Regular Board Meeting Minutes of the Arkadelphia Council on Aging held at the Arkadelphia Senior Activity Center Conference Room
Present at the meeting were Eunice Stroud, Bill Goff, Ann Mahan, Maggie Whitten, Lucius Grigsby, and Beatrice Barnett. Site manager Sharon Bell was also present. The absence of David Skinner and Breda Bunn was excused.
The Vice President, Eunice Stroud, called the meeting to order on February 7th, 2024, at 11:03 AM. Bill Goff made a motion to accept the previous minutes as read, which was seconded by Maggie Winton.
Under new business, Bill Goff motioned to continue decorating tables for Valentine's Day. The motion was approved, and the prize for the first place winner was set at $15, second place was $10, and third place was $5. Maggie Winton was tasked with contacting Treasurer Brenda Karber for the money.
Maggie nominated Diane Stiffler as a board member, and Beatrice Barnett volunteered to be on the board. Steve Garner was nominated by Ann Mahon.
Maggie requested the meeting time be changed from 11:00 o'clock to 10:45. However, the members voted against this change at this time.
The meeting adjourned at 11:15 AM.